I have absolute gratitude for you. A holiday makes a good reference point for comparison - to be able to see how much life has changed. One year ago there was a big shift in my world. Since then, I have met and built a beautiful relationship, my children are following their dreams, I have healed from so much, and I have become a Life Activation Practitioner myself to be able to serve others. What more could a girl want? Lots more! More Joy. More love. More sharing of the magick.
I owe my shifts to you, and what you have shared with me.
Since my Life Activation I am noticing a lot of ease with the focus of my on line Biz and Marketing Consulting. Cranking things out with no resistance!!!
Also, I have had a lot of self control on my eating. I notice that I push my dinner plate away, even if I really am liking it versus eatingit all.
I signed up for a Life Activation because I was looking for deeper guidance during a new stage of my life. Since my Life Activation I’ve felt a more natural and spontaneous urge to do certain things which are helpful to receiving internal guidance that I didn’t do much before, like journaling. For a few days after the Life Activation my emotions felt more intensified. When I experienced worry I felt it at a deeper level. When I felt at peace it was at a level I had not experienced before. This intensification went away quickly and what has stayed with me is a more genuine sense of what I want to do and who I want to be. It’s easier for me to express and connect more deeply with myself on a day to day basis in a way that didn’t feel accessible before.
Since the Life Activation, I have noticed subtle changes, feeling more confident in my day to day decisions. I can see the individual power we each possess. It was a shift for me. We are all very powerful and everything we say, do or think matters and impacts those people in our lives. One thing that was very special to me was the reality that we are not alone. During my session, I could feel that support and that feeling hasn't left me.
What I have noticed most since my cord cutting and Life Activation is joy. I am almost giddy at times. Also I have noticed I tend not to sweat the small stuff as much. I am very happy with the results.I hope to keep these higher vibration emotions life long.
Since my Life Activation I have noticed increased clarity and energy.
Since my Life Activation I definitely feel more clarity. I've been in more balance and processing my emotions in a different way.
I believe all changes I have seen recently since receiving my Life Activation are the result of increased clarity.
Since my Life Activation I have noticed that I have a lot less chatter in my mind when I meditate. It’s much easier for me to drop into it.
I had been having trouble getting up in the morning and unable to sleep until late at night. After my Life Activation I went to bed early, and at 5:30 woke up with my brain buzzing and spent three hours in a creative flow creating content for a project I am working on. It was awesome. It felt like me again.
I have been practicing yoga, energy work and meditation since 2009 as a student and teacher. I recently began taking Ensofic Reiki sessions with Erin and it is like no other energy work I have experienced before. I literally felt like I was inside a healing, high-energy beam of light while at the same time experiencing a deep understanding of creation. I highly recommend this energy practice and am excited to add it into my regular monthly schedule.

Meet Dr. Erin Bannink
Dr. Erin Bannink is a certified teacher through the Modern Mystery School. In addition to her current studies in the Western Mystery School lineage of King Salomon, Erin has intensively studied Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism in the lineage of the Dalai Lama, Yoga philosophy, mantra and inner body yoga since 2003. She continues to pursue her own studies and personal growth, as she believes that forward movement is vital to our physical and spiritual health and our ability to hold an effective and authentic space for others as they do the same. Every good teacher is also a student, always.