Auric Region
King Salomon Healing Modality

The Auric Region Healing
This is an ancient Healing Modality over 3000 years old which has been preserved and kept pure in the Mystery School lineage of King Salomon.
The Aura is how we, as humans, communicate with the outside world and all other dimensions.
This modality infuses Light into your Auric Field out through the multiple dimensions to the limits of our existence in all dimensions in this world and in that way can clear anything in the field that should not be there and bring in Light to heal it.
This modality also clears generational patterns seven generations back and seven generations forward, so is powerful for many other situations, including healing family traumas and generational patterns.
Because of the way this sacred healing works on our multidimensional Auric Field, cleaning 5 million 40,000 dimensional points in the Auric Field, it has many other potential benefits unique to the individual receiving the healing.
Benefits of the Auric Region Healing
Helps you communicate better with others and with the universe
Makes your Light Body lighter and easier to use
Helps you discover your True Self by assisting in removing masks you wear that you have adopted from indoctrination and cultural/family conditioning
Clears generational trauma 7 generations back and 7 generations forward
Clears blocks in your auric field which are limiting your growth, healing and ability to connect clearly with your Higher guidance
Cleanses karmic patterns
The King Salomon Auric Region Healing Modality is a powerful healing using sigils of the Archangels and it is a lengthy process, requiring 10 sessions completed within no more than 10 months. Weekly to every other week sessions are recommended for most people. This is dependent on your energetic situation, which I will assess. This is a holy process, clearing karmic patterns, and must be approached with reverence and respect.
A Temple space is prepared for the sessions. You receive the healing fully clothed seated in a chair and standing at different points in the session. Each session lasts 60-90 minutes.
Your first session is an introduction and consultation. If you choose to pursue the remaining 9 sessions, you will pay for the entire package at that time. If you elect not to pursue the healing sessions after the initial consultation, you will pay $50 for the consultation session and have no additional obligation. The healings are delivered in the remaining 9 sessions.
Contact Dr. Erin Bannink to see if this is right for you at this stage of your journey and for further information about scheduling and cost.
Contact Dr. Erin Bannink for a free consultation about Live Activation, Empower Thyself Initiation or Healing Modalities she offers through Divine PowerHouse.